sufutoは 清原織物が展開する「祝いの品々」を紡ぐブランドです。
清原織物は室町時代より綴織(つづれおり)を家業とし、結納のふくさや帯、祭礼用の幕地や舞台緞帳などを製作してきました。 晴れ着で過ごす時や、舞台の幕が上がる瞬間。綴織はハレの席にふさわしい最高峰の美術織物としていつも特別な時に寄り添ってきました。
Kiyohara Textile has been engaged in hand weaving since the Muromachi Era, and has been producing “Fukusa” for engagement, Kimono Belts, Festival Curtains and Stage Curtains. There’s a moment when you spend with a best holiday cloths or when the stage curtain rises. Hand weaving Textile has always been along with a special occasion as a finest art fabric suitable for the best holiday cloths. Once in a lifetime moment has come for everyone. And memories are naturally spelled in what we spent together. Hand Weaving Textile is a celebration woven fabric “Sufu (Longevity fabric)”. With that in mind, “Sufu” will snuggle up at special occasions and spin on items suitable for celebrations and gifts.